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Live Ebola Vaccine Given to Patients in Mile High City

by Richard A Reagan

If you thought the Covid vaccine scam that was pushed on us was bad enough, it seems there may be more to come.

A medical center in Denver, Denver Health, is experimenting with a new Ebola vaccine and a group of healthcare workers there are some of the first in the country to receive it.

Denver Health was designated one of the 13 Regional Emerging Special Pathogens Treatment Centers in the U.S. in 2015. It serves as an infectious disease training and care center for several nearby states.

The vaccine, called Ervebo, was approved by the FDA in 2019 for anyone over the age of 1.

According to The European Medicines Agency, the substance in Ervebo contains a protein from the Zaire ebolavirus. When a person receives the vaccine, it supposedly triggers an immune response against this viral protein.  No one knows for sure, though, if this vaccine actually provides immunity or for how long.

But here’s where things get even stranger… 

While it’s true that Ebola has a much higher mortality rate than Covid if left untreated (roughly 70-90% according to the CDC), there has never been an actual outbreak in the United States.

In fact, of the 11 cases in this country, 9 were imported from West Africa during an outbreak that occurred between 2014 and 2016. The 2 people who acquired it in the US were nurses who were treating one of the nine from West Africa, a patient from Liberia and one of only two victims who eventually died.

So then, why the preoccupation with an Ebola vaccine… and why now?

Despite there being virtually no cases of ebola in the US, Big Pharma may have plans to ultimately vaccinate the entire US for this African virus that threatens virtually no one here.

In fact, Fauci said as much back in 2014:

“As the epidemic gets more and more formidable and in some cases out of control it is quite conceivable, if not likely, that we may need to deploy the vaccine to the entire country to be able to shut the epidemic down. That is clearly a possibility.”

One particularly insightful commenter on the recent Becker’s Hospital Review article, “Denver Health administers first shots of Ebola vaccines” suggested that they’re signaling to us that this will be the next pandemic:

Is this a veiled way of telling us that Ebola is going to be the next pandemic, but we don’t need to worry because the government already has a vaccine for it?”

If all of this sounds far-fetched, just google the phrase, “ebola next pandemic” and see what comes up. 

You’re likely to get a slew of articles… like this one in 2021 by Gavi.org, The Vaccine Alliance, entitled, “Next Pandemic.”

Or this one from 2002 by The Hill, “Should We Be Worried About Ebola?”

Or this one by Forbes as recent as just last month (interestingly, the first one mentioned is Ebola).

“These 4 lethal viruses could fuel the next pandemic, new research says. What they are –and how the world can prepare.” 

For the time being, though, the ebola vaccine is only being offered to healthcare workers who are supposedly at high risk of contracting the virus.

According to Maria Frank, one of the participants in this vaccine rollout at Denver Health, many healthcare workers in the US often feel the need to go abroad to help out when there’s an outbreak, so they need to be prepared.

But does this claim really hold up to scrutiny? At the moment, there are no 

outbreaks of Ebola anywhere in the world. So, why is there such a focus on this now?

It also shouldn’t be surprising given the events of the past few years that there would be skepticism about the purpose of this vaccine rollout.

Regardless of the end game, given that the Biden Administration continues to encourage people from all over the world to flood across the southern border, it’s entirely possible that the virus spread to the U.S at some point.

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