Home » Swiss Health Insurance Report Shows a 73% Jump in Cancer Treatment Since 2020. What’s Behind the Surge?

Swiss Health Insurance Report Shows a 73% Jump in Cancer Treatment Since 2020. What’s Behind the Surge?

by Richard A Reagan

Since 2021, there’s been a dramatic increase in the number of cancer patients receiving treatment compared to the year before, according to a major Swiss health insurance company, Helsana.

This staggering increase in the number of cancer patients in Switzerland continued into 2022 when the number rose to 74% compared to 2020, even higher than the 73% number from the year before.

It would be easy to just write this off as a coincidence, of course, but if so, it’s an awfully strange one. 

According to Helsana, from 2016 through 2020, Switzerland saw a decrease in the number of cancer patients. And then in 2021, there was a huge surge. Almost double the number of cancer patients… from roughly 88,000 in 2020 to more than 152,000 in 2021. 

What exactly is going on? Well… the increasing rates oddly coincided with the release of a Covid vaccine in Switzerland in late December of 2020.

The interesting thing is that while Switzerland has a relatively high vaccination rate, it’s not even among the top ten in Europe, let alone the world (just slightly higher than Turkey, in fact)…

But we’ll return to the possible cancer/Covid vax link shortly.

The Helsana Drug Report is an annual report that Helsana has published for the past decade.  It’s the only report of its kind in Switzerland and analyzes the Swiss pharmaceutical market with a focus on the cost and consumption of medicine in Switzerland. 

The most recent report, from November 30, 2023, provides data from 2022. 

Konstantin Beck, a health economist at the University of Lucerne, addressed this information in a video back in December.  In it, he discusses a health survey put out by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (bFs) put out in early November of last year. This survey is done every five years. 

According to bFs, the results of the survey show that the majority of Swiss citizens are happier than they’ve ever been: 

In 2022, 85 percent of the Swiss population aged 15 and over felt healthy and 83 per cent felt happy. At the same time, more than a third live with a permanent health problem. Psychological stress has increased compared to 2017. The 15 to 24-year-old age group is particularly affected, especially young women (…). ”

Here’s the problem, though… it turns out that bFs’s statement didn’t line up with the data collected by the health survey and put out by bFs. According to their own figures, the Swiss population was both happier and healthier five years earlier than they were in 2022.

But within a few days after being published, this data suddenly disappeared.

The data that was removed showed that in 2022, compared to 2017, there was an increase of heart attacks among the Swiss populace by 136,661, 96,931 more strokes, and cancer by 344,166.

Given these significant increases, why would so many more people say that they felt healthy (85% to be exact)? Well, it turns out that the questions that were asked were different from those in 2017.

For instance, in 2017 those surveyed were asked, Did you have any of the following illnesses or health problems in the last year?”

They were given 3 choices: heartattacks, cancer, or strokes.

However, in 2023, the question was reworded to ask, “Have you ever had any of the following illnesses and health problems in your life?

As anyone can see, these are two entirely different questions. According to Konstantin Beck, the reasoning behind changing the question was to blur the numbers so that it wouldn’t be evident that there has been a huge spike in illnesses, especially cancer rates in recent years.

But as he rightly points out, changing the questions and then deleting data only draws attention to the very thing they’d prefer to sweep under the rug.  All of this, of couse, raises more questions than it answers. 

Beck ends the video asking the question any sensible person would ask: “We have a doubling of cancer cases,” Beck said. This raises the question: Could the covid injections be the cause?

His conclusion is that based on the spike in numbers shortly after the mass vaccine campaign began, that the vaccine is the most likely culprit:
“The temporal pattern speaks in favour of vaccination as the trigger for cancer cases, because the increase begins in the year of vaccinations.” 

Whether he’s right or not, all of the inconsistencies we’ve witnessed throughout the pandemic have only added to the suspicion raised by governments concealing, manipulating and even falsifying data.

There are obviously still a lot of questions around the side effects of the Covid vaccine that have yet to be addressed by the authorities satisfactorily, not only in Switzerland but around the world.

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